Friday, December 29, 2006

Way too long... between posts that is. I was wondering what kept me from posting recently and it got me thinking.

#1 - in-game I have not done much recently. This is a result of lack of playtime due to the holiday season, and to my general lack of progress when I do play. My rdm is up to a whopping 24, and I don't think that I've done much else.

#2 - My general lack of opening up. I have a hard time opening up to random people. In fact, some of my closest friends barely know me at all. They know the person that they hang out with, but there are very few people that I've let get to REALLY know me.

Almost all of my posts so far have had nothing to do with who I am. There is some sort of security in the fact that my profile doesn't give out any of my personal details, and the only thing I've exposed so far is that I live in Maryland. Of course, some of you that are reading this might know a bit more since I've I've talked on other forums or in-game with you, but you probably don't know that much about me.

I feel like this is a forum that I could open up on since there is still some buffer preventing what I say to being pinned on the "real me." As you might be able to tell, I want to use this as a means to vent/discuss some of my deeper thoughts without most people being able to tell who is actually thinking them. It might sound weird to some of you, but whatever.

I don't exactly know what I was trying to say in the previous paragraphs. Maybe it was just that I want to talk about more then FFXI in this forum. Maybe it is that I want the people that I hope are reading this to get to know me a bit better with out having to have a direct conversation with them. I just don't know.

All that being said, this post is really about nothing. I'm just trying to lay the ground work to the fact that I don't want to just talk about FFXI here.

Til next time

1 comment:

Unknown said...

but... I REALLY know you.