Thursday, January 4, 2007

I'm Bleeding

Of course, it was because I gave blood today, or at least tried to. Something happened and they had to stop just after I got poked. So, I experienced all of the pain associated with it, without any of the warm fuzzies that come along with successfully donating. Meh, it won't stop me from trying again at my work's next blood drive.

I've had a lot of fun in FFXI the past two nights. All because I got to do things with my LS. It's nights like the past two that are why I play. I just like to have fun with people that I like. I dread joining pick up exp parties because doing the same thing over and over again is so boring if you aren't at least cracking jokes and not taking your self so seriously.

If there was one thing that annoyed me about the past two nights, it’s that some people are so unprepared for things. Why some people just prefer to be told everything and don't bother to take the time to research things is beyond me. Everyone that was doing either mission 5.1 or 5.2 for the first time should have known what it involved and what to expect. Having to remind people to do their cut scenes is ridiculous. YOU'VE BEEN DOING MISSION CUT SCENES FOR EVERY MISSION SO FAR! Why wouldn't you do them ahead of time when you've known for a couple of days before hand that we are going to do that mission? All you end up doing is wasting everyone's time that are waiting on you, to help you out.

At least people showing up on time seemed ok this time around. It wasn't perfect, but it was better then it has been in the past. That's one of my biggest pet peeves. I go out of my way to get prepared and log off at the proper spot the night before I'm going to participate in an event. This is because most of the events that I'm able to attend start at the time that I log on, and therefore I don't have time to do any muling or traveling while others are waiting on me. Other people just don't seem to care. In fact, lots of people assume that things will start late and just wait until someone says, 'ok, we are starting now…where is everyone?' before they stop doing what they are currently working on. If you need to mule before an event, you should set aside at least 20-30 minutes to do so. If you factor in travel time, you should START getting ready for an event 30-45 minutes before it begins. It's going to be a rather harsh reality for some of these people when they get real jobs and have to be in meetings on time.

Man, that felt good.

I'm starting to re-think my whole run rdm to 37 real quick plan. Mainly because it's boring me to death, but also because I sunk a lot of funds into equips for my rdm, and now I'm practically broke. Part of me just wants to power through so that I can sell those equips and get back to normal, but I'm not sure if my current gil levels can hold me over until then. I'm 26 now and I average 1.5 levels per night of exping. Having signed up for some events and a static lately, I only get 1-2 nights each week to exp on my rdm. So with 11 levels to go, it's going to take me about 3-5 weeks to finish. Of course, I could just farm/craft etc on those nights instead of exping, but I just want to get it over with so bad and never have to look at it again. I think I have a bunch of random low level equips that I could sell that might get me through it.

Playing war last night was fun. It's just one of those really easy, mindless melee jobs that still gives you a feeling that you contribute a lot to the party. Well, this one horrible, sword wielding war that we had to pick up on the fly didn't really add anything to the party but I felt like I did. If it wasn't for the fact that war equips are so expensive, even before you get to 60+, then I might have had it be my main a long time ago.

Wow, I think I've rambled on for long enough. Later.

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