Monday, April 27, 2009

I have no clue what I'm working towards.

I have no clue what I'm working towards.

I've been playing a decent amount of FFXI lately. I finished my Dnc sub and have been working on Nin and Thf. Well, I've been exping on Nin, and using Campaign Ops and Exp scrolls for Thf. Nin has been getting a bit more fun lately, although, I doubt that I will level it past 37 at this time.

I've also been leveling Alchemy. It's up to 18. I'm not really sure why I've been skilling it up. I don't have any long term goals for it, or any craft for that matter. I also picked Fishing back up, but with the slow skill ups, I can see me throwing in the towel again sometime soon.

The thing that's been weird about FFXI lately is that I have no idea what I'm working towards. I keep telling myself that I'm leveling Nin and Thf for subs for Sam, but once they get to 37, I'm not even sure if I will start exping on Sam again. It'd be nice to have another job at 75, but it would be just another level 75 job that pales in comparison to anyone that does even a little bit of endgame. I feel that my Blm is horribly gimped whenever I see another one running around. Yeah, there are some HQ's that I could buy from the auction house, but, unless I had over 5 million gil, I'd barely even make a dent in all of the HQ's that I'd like to get for it. Plus, since I don't merit, my Blm doesn't even do what it could with some potency or skill merits.

So I'm back to what I was first saying. I don't know what I'm aiming for. Since time doesn't really allow me to do anything endgame related, storyline is the only thing that has ever kept me going. In order to participate in storyline, you basically just need any ol' level 75 job, which I already have. Once the storylines dry up, what does FFXI have to offer to keep me coming back?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Scratching things off the list

That’s what I feel like I’m doing a lot of the time in FFXI. I have an ever changing list of things I’d like to do with both long and short term goals. This past week in particular, I was able to scratch a couple of things off of the list.

I got Bastok Rank 9 with the help of two LS mates, Somnar and Maikeru (thanks again guys!!!). You can check out Mai’s blog through the link on the side. He does all kinds of things that I doubt I’ll ever have time to do, so I enjoy reading it to get a feel for some end game activities. I’d like to join a LS that does some endgame type things; sky, sea, dynamis, limbus, salvage, w/e, but it would have to be the perfect storm for my schedule to be able to fit an LS’s event schedule.

Som also helped me break my latent on the Pole of Trials. I think I’ve been carrying that thing around for about a year and a half now. It was nice to get it out of my inventory. Now I just need to fight the NM to get a new weapon skill!

I’ve recently finished some of the WotG quests as well. I’ve really been enjoying the storyline that each nation’s quests have been telling. Hopefully, the CoP Tuesday night static (which doesn’t do CoP anymore since we’ve beaten Promethia, yet another thing that got scratched off the list!) will be able to start chipping away at the WotG mission lines once we get everyone caught up to each other in the quests.

Other than that, I’ve been leveling dancer a bit. It’s been really fun and easy to solo with it. I’ve been able to farm up while exping, which helps kill two birds with one stone. I just recently rechecked my equips for black mage and samurai and both could use some upgrades. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to play favorites between them in order to gear either of them properly. Sam is probably going to win out in the short term while I’m trying to level it. Long term, who knows?

Sunday, February 1, 2009



I'm torn with what to do in game. I'm getting so close to finally finishing Cop (hopefully on the 3rd the static will be victorious), but after that I don't know what to do. There are a couple of jobs I wouldn't mind leveling, but I'd like to get Sam to 75 before I start dabbling in any other job. Of course, I need to get some more of the Sam subs to 37. I'd like to get Dnc there first as well as Thf. Nin is another job that most people just assume that you have at 37, so I might as well do that one too.

Other then boring job leveling (which I've never been able to dedicate myself to), there are a couple of story lines that I'd like to work on. I'd love to knock out the Bastok missions. I only have 4 more to finish that story line. I'd also be able to start on San d'Oria then, my last of the starter nations. I only have two fights to finish up the RotZ missions as well, but most people skip RotZ 14 and just do the Divine Might quest. I doubt that the LS would be able to round up 18 people just to help me out, so I should probably start shouting for a pick up group...ugh!

There always the WotG missions as well as the starter nations quest lines in the past to keep me busy as well. I guess my problem is that there is too much that I want to do.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Almost 2 years

Since my last post.

Things have calmed down at work. A little too calm actually given the current economic environment. I was one of the lucky ones to have survived the latest round of lay-offs though. I should be safe for a little while longer now.

In game I have progressed significantly since my last post. Just a couple of things that I've accomplished since then is getting my BLM to level 75 and my SAM to 60+. I've also wrapped up the ToAU storyline and I'm only two missions away from meeting Promethia himself.

Well, I hope to be able to provide some more insight later. I was just rather embarassed by how long it had been since I last posted!