Thursday, December 7, 2006


It always makes me laugh every year around this time. Here in Maryland it snows every year, but for some reason half of the state isn't prepared for it. With a light snow in the forecast, my company sent out the Inclement Weather Policy. It roughly states that in MD, 3 inches of snow could shut us down for the day, which is ridiculous. I personally think our state roads crew does a great job of clearing the snow, but the drivers out there go into two categories.

  1. Panic at the first flake, drive at 5 mph and cause accidents as a result.
  2. Think that they are invincible in their SUV's and somehow drive faster then they normally would and cause accidents.

People just need to calm down and drive carefully while not over-reacting.

Well, now that's off my chest. Thanks for listening to me complain.

Good news! My stupid Invigorating Cape finally sold. I'm probably going to go on a mini shopping spree when I next play. I need to buy some new equips for my rdm which is now 16 thanks to two very productive nights in the dunes (yes, you read that correctly). I also plan on buying some lvl 20 cap stuff for my war in hopes that I can make it out to Garrison for the first time in a couple of months. Actually, I think the only things that I need for it are a weapon and a body item. I'll be late if I do go though since it's scheduled to start about an hour before I can log on. Luckily, it usually lasts at least 2-3 hours so I should be able to make a couple of runs assuming that they aren't full when I get there.

My current focus in-game is to level rdm to 37 as a sub. My only goal this week was to get it to 15, which I did and then some. If I get lucky, I might try to take it to 19-20 by the end of the week and say good bye to the dunes. I should probably take rdm to 40 though to have it available for 40 cap stuff. Of course, I should probably take whm to 40 for that reason as well. I don't know though, I REALLY hate to play whm. Part of me thinks that the LS would be better off if they weren't ever tempted to ask me to be whm for any given missions/quests.

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